Weekly Sermon Study Guide
This resource is intended to help us prepare our hearts for the upcoming Sunday's sermon and reflect on what we heard after the sermon. Study guides are available on Friday of each week. If you are looking for a study guide associated with a past sermon (February 2023 on), a link will be available on the individual sermon page. For past sermons, click here.
Sermon Details
April 23, 2023
"Fishing with Jesus"
John 21:1-14
Leading up to Sunday's Sermon
Read the Passage
John 21:1-14
- What does Peter mean by “I am going fishing”? Why would he return to a fisherman’s life at this point?
- What might have discouraged Peter, even in the event of Christ’s resurrection? What does he need most now?
- How does Peter react to seeing Jesus again? Given that this is not the first time he has seen Jesus after the resurrection, why is he so enthusiastic?
Suggested Prayer Prompts
- Rejoice in the life of Jesus, which has paid for sin and lives eternally!
- Pray that Christ would reveal your need for Him so that you would experience more of His love.
- Thank God for pursuing you with His mercy and grace.
After Sunday's Sermon
Review John 21:1-14 and listen to sermon (if you have not done so already)
Key Idea
Jesus knows our sins and failings, and gladly confirms His call and His love for His wayward people.
Questions for Consideration
- What tends to discourage you in your walk with God?
- How have you seen God meet you in your shame? How did He restore you?
- How can you extend God’s grace to the needy people in your life?
Suggested Prayer Prompts
- Ask God to search you and help you to see your sin and shame. Consider praying through Psalm 139.
- Humbly confess your sin, shame, and neediness to God, and accept His abundant grace for you.
- Pray in turn for the sins and weaknesses of others and ask God to make you humble and compassionate towards them.