Women's Fellowship

The Women’s Ministry at Christ Redeemer Church exists to foster a Gospel-centered community in which women are:
  1. Introduced to the truths of the Gospel through scripture and fellowship (Acts 2, Eph. 1:13, Romans 10:14, John 13:34-35)
  2. Equipped to behold God in His Word and in prayer (Psalm 119, Luke 24:27,44-45, Col. 3:16 Acts 17:11)
  3. Transformed by the renewing of their minds (Romans 12, 1 Peter 1:13, Col. 3:2) and
  4. Empowered to live for the glory of Jesus in their everyday lives (Col. 3:17, 1 Cor. 10:31,1 Peter 3:11)
CRC seeks to grow this gospel-centered community through some of the following activities specifically designed for women.

Women's Bible Studies

Meet throughout the week at various times & locations during the school year.

  • Coffee Break Bible Study: Tuesdays from 9:00 to 10:30 am at Wellspring Worship Center in West Lebanon. Childcare is available. Studying the book of Jonah. Questions? Contact Claudine Lefferts.
  • Decaf Bible Study: Wednesdays at from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in West Lebanon. Studying the book of Jonah.  Questions? Contact Claudine Lefferts.
  • Espresso Bible Study: Fridays from 7 to 8:15 am on Zoom. Studying Matthew. Contact Becca Wistrom or Pam Tengdin.*

*If you need an email address for a leader, please contact the church office.

Ladies' Night Out

Join us for a night of fellowship and fun this school year on October 18th and February 7th.

Women's Summer Book Studies

During the summer, we typically break from our normal Bible studies and offer a handful of book studies. We've found that this is a good way to connect even as people are in and out of town throughout the summer. 

Spring Women’s Retreat

At our Women’s Retreat, we step away from the business of our daily lives to spend some time hearing from God’s word in the company of other women. There is plenty of solid teaching, real conversations, and laughter. Join us… and invite a friend!

2025 Women's Retreat
will be held on March 28th and 29th at Lake Morey Resort in Fairlee, VT. 

Want to Learn More about Women's Ministries? 

Contact our Women's Ministry Coordinator, Claudine Lefferts at womens.ministry@christredeemerchurch.org