
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

- Matthew 6:21

Financial Goals for CRC

Besides funding the basic operations of the church’s present ministry, CRC has several other significant financial goals. One of those is securing a permanent worship facility. Another is the hiring of additional pastoral staff. These will inevitably require a leap forward in our financial needs.

In addition, CRC is passionately committed to charitable work, global outreach and the starting of other churches. As a matter of fact, in addition to funding our church’s own ministry in the Upper Valley, we have recently averaged giving away 20% of our general offerings to support other charities and ministries. In the relatively short history of CRC, our network of churches (in Hanover, New London and Quechee) has given away over $2,525,000 to global outreach and charity, over $213,000 last year alone. It is our desire to keep up the good work of pooling our resources in order to see the Gospel bless the Upper Valley, and through the Upper Valley, the world! What an exciting time to be part of a church that from its infancy is so committed to blessing others and advancing the kingdom of God!

How to Give

Give Online

If you would like to contribute to the ministry of CRC you may give online through a direct-debit from your checking account. Creating an account will store your giving information for this gift and future gifts, as well allow you to set up and manage reoccurring gifts.  The following buttons will re-direct you to our giving site.
If you have a question or problem related to the online giving system, please contact Emily Lewis.

Mail a gift

Alternatively, you may send your tax deductible check made out to “Christ Redeemer Church” to the church office:
Christ Redeemer Church
P.O. Box 5523
Hanover, NH 03755

Stock Gifts

If you would like to make a stock gift, please contact the church office at for directions.
Thank you for your partnership in the gospel ministry, both locally and world-wide.

Christ Redeemer Church is a registered not-for-profit corporation in the state of New Hampshire and is likewise registered as a 501( c )3 tax exempt organization with the United State Internal Revenue Service.
The ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian nonprofit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising and board governance. We will not share or sell your personal information. Funds will be redirected at the discretion of the Christ Redeemer Church Elder Board if the designated distribution proves infeasible.