Sunday School

9:00-9:45 am 

Sunday School has ended for the 2023-2024 School Year; Classes will resume in September
Classes will be offered for children, youth and adults on most Sundays during the school year.
Fall Sunday School 
will run from September 15th through November 17th
A list of topics will be available later this summer.

Adult Sunday School

(begins 4/14)
Taught by Tim Ball and Pradeep Bokinala

Forgiving anyone in a meaningful way is one of the hardest things a person has to do. In his book Forgive: Why Should I and How Can I?, Timothy Keller shows readers why it is so important and how to do it, explaining in detail the steps you need to take in order to move on without sacrificing justice or your humanity.

If you are interested in reading/buying the book ahead of time, you are welcome to. CRC will have a limited number available for purchase for $15 on the book table while supplies last. (Please note: you do not need to read the book to participate in the class.)

Youth Sunday School 

Middle School - New Testament Survey
High School  - Old Testament Poetry

Children's Sunday School 

Nursery - kids (0-3) - no curriculum :)
Pre-K to Kindergarten - Children will explore the Bible stories of the New Testament.
1st to 3rd Grade - Children are learning how the Bible points to Jesus from beginning to the end.
4th & 5th Grade - Children will marvel at the work of the Holy Spirit and God's new beginnings through a study in Acts.

Questions? Contact the church office.