Weekly Sermon Study Guide
This resource is intended to help us prepare our hearts for the upcoming Sunday's sermon and reflect on what we heard after the sermon. Study guides are available on Friday of each week. If you are looking for a study guide associated with a past sermon (February 2023 on), a link will be available on the individual sermon page. For past sermons, click here.
Sermon Details
April 16, 2023
"Living Faith"
John 20:19-31
Leading up to Sunday's Sermon
Read the Passage
John 20:19-31
- How is Jesus’ interaction with His disciples similar to His interaction with Mary in the previous verses? How is it different?
- What does it mean to be sent as Jesus was sent by His Father?
- What do you make of Thomas’s doubts? Are they valid or are they unfounded? If you were there, what would it have taken for you to believe in Christ’s resurrection?
- John writes in His mission statement that He writes so that we may believe in Jesus. What aspects of Jesus do you see in these verses that show Him to be the Christ, the Son of God?
Suggested Prayer Prompts
- Pray that Christ would continue to reveal Himself to us by the Holy Spirit.
- Pray that our interactions with God would overcome our fear.
- Pray that we would take seriously our call to be sent just as Jesus was sent.
After Sunday's Sermon
Review John 20:19-31 and listen to sermon (if you have not done so already)
Key Idea
As we interact with the risen Jesus through the Holy Spirit, we receive both hope and a mission.
Questions for Consideration
- What fears and doubts do you have that could keep you from seeing Jesus? How do these verses give you hope that He can overcome those?
- Who do you know that could use the hope of the resurrection of Jesus? How might you share that hope with them this week?
Suggested Prayer Prompts
- Confess your own fears and doubts that keep you from faith in Jesus. He’s not afraid or offended by them.
- Pray that He would meet you and strengthen your faith in Him.
- Pray that Jesus would equip you to fulfill the call to spread the hope you have.