Chinese Christians Heroes
Hello, this is Pastor Don of Christ Redeemer Church. Welcome to The Kingdom Perspective.
We should take inspiration from reports of our fellow Chinese brothers and sisters in Christ.
Back in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic, reports of Christian courage began to leak out of Wuhan. Listen to the following from early February 2020:
Nothing stopped [the Christians]…from proclaiming the gospel, not even the plague.
Now it is the 10th day since the city has been separated by quarantine, and protective masks are the most valuable thing in Wuhan. Money is useless because you can’t find a store that sells the masks. People are in a desperate situation. In response, our brothers and sisters preach the gospel and give out tracts and free masks. They are sharing the word of hope and comfort from God. They have become more and more favored in the city, even in the authorities’ eyes.
…churches in Wuhan keep themselves away from all the rumors and political issues, they just do what a true Christian should do in this situation: preaching the gospel and being witness of true peace and true hope that come from Jesus Christ in front of the non-believers who are in panic and hopelessness.
…Christians wearing yellow suits [i.e. Christian ministers on the streets in yellow healthcare protective gear]…[has made the color yellow] the most beautiful color in the city. Christians gained the respect that they never had because of their willingness to risk their health to serve.
Now, note well repeated references to faith and God that leads to loving service of one’s neighbor! Now, perhaps, the cultural setting would change what serving one’s neighbor for Christ would look like, but nothing should change the gospel impulse and courage to do so.
Something to think about from The Kingdom Perspective.
“I have thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need, for he has been longing for you all and has been distressed because you heard that he was ill. Indeed he was ill, near to death. But God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow. I am the more eager to send him, therefore, that you may rejoice at seeing him again, and that I may be less anxious. So receive him in the Lord with all joy, and honor such men, for he nearly died for the work of Christ, risking his life to complete what was lacking in your service to me.”
~ Philippians 2:25-30 (ESV)
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