Week of Prayer

September 8th to 14th

Join us as we kick off the school year with a week of prayer!

How To Participate:
Our corporate prayer times will be held Monday through Friday at the CRC Church Office (1 Oak Ridge Road, Building 3, West Lebanon, NH. Upon entering the driveway, turn left. The office is located on the lower level of the blue building closest to route 10). If you can't join in person, all corporate prayer times can also be joined by Zoom using the link below. Weekends are reserved for individual/family prayer.

You can also join these corporate times of prayer via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 869 4379 7462 Passcode: 499713
Call in number: 646-558-8656
Monday Evening: 7-8 pm
Tuesday Morning: 7-7:45 am and 8-8:45 am
Wednesday Evening: 7-8 pm
Thursday Morning: 7-7:45 am and 8-8:45 am
Friday Afternoon: 12-1 pm

Questions? Contact Christine Engert.

Daily Prayer Prompts

 Join us as we start the school year in prayer!

In Matthew 6:9-13, Jesus teaches us how to pray. We will be using this prayer as our 
framework for the week.
Day 1 (9/8) - Our Father in heaven (Matthew 6:5-9, 7:7-11)
  • Pray that God would help us to seek Him as a good Father
  • Pray that our hearts would be focused on seeking Him and not on impressing each other

Day 2 (9/9) - Hallowed be Your name (Matthew 28:16-20, Revelation 4-5)
  • Pray that we would see God rightly, as holy and set apart
  • Pray that His name would be glorified in us and in the world

Day 3 (9/10) -Your Kingdom Come (Matthew 13:31-52)
  • Pray that we would seek God’s kingdom and not our own
  • Pray that we would be evidence of God’s kingdom on earth

Day 4 (9/11) - Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 12:46-50, 26:36-46)
  • Pray that we would trust the Lord and His will
  • Pray that we would submit to the Father’s will

Day 5 (9/12) - Give us today our daily bread (Matthew 6:25-34)
  • Pray for God’s physical provision
  • Pray that we will trust Him to provide what we need

Day 6 (9/13) - Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us (Matthew 9:1-8, 18:21-35)
  • Pray that we would be quick to confess our sins and seek forgiveness with God and others
  • Pray that this would be a witness to the world around us of God’s great grace

Day 7 (9/14) - Leads us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (Matthew 4:1-11, 26:40-41)

  • Pray that we may not enter into temptation
  • Pray that we would face temptation like Jesus did