Jesus, The Final Word
There’s something very significant about final words. This is especially true at a person’s death; it is then that a person feels most compelled to speak of the basic issues of existence. Likewise, in the case of a good speech, the final words sum up all that had been previously said and many times with a great climax of emotion. Final words are the best attempt to say it all, to hit the nailed on the head with one final stroke.
Have you ever considered what was God’s final word to the human race? Well, listen the words of Scripture from Hebrews chapter one. “In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son….” From the writer’s perspective we are in the last days and in these last days God has given us His bottom line. In former times God communicated through the prophets, but in these final days He has communicated to us through His Son, Jesus Christ. As the rest of Hebrews unfolds we see that Jesus is not only the final messenger but also the final message. In Jesus God said it all. And with one final stroke He hit the nail of our redemption on the head, guaranteeing its completion and securing its benefits. Jesus is it. There’s really no more to say, no more to do. In Jesus’ own final words on the cross, “It is finished.” Enough said.
Something to think about from “The Kingdom Perspective.”