Something Greater Than the Temple
One day Jesus got into a tiff with His chief opponents, the Pharisees, about the propriety of picking and eating grain on the Sabbath. The Pharisees who were strict legalists, taking everything by the letter of the law, jumped on Jesus and his disciples for picking and eating grain as they walked through a field. The interesting thing for our discussion is what Jesus says in his defense. Pointing to the example of the priests in the temple, he says that they “work” on the Sabbath but are not considered Sabbath-breakers. And then in the understatement of all understatements Jesus says: “But I say to you, that something greater than the temple is here.”
This is a most incredible comment. In one sense Jesus parallels himself with the priests of the Old Testament. However, in a more profound sense he says that the whole temple system, with all its priests, sacrifices, rules, etc. is nothing compared to Him. Indeed He has come to fulfill the whole system and thereby do away with it.
You could perhaps afford to miss the point of the temple, but you can’t afford to miss the Christ of whom the temple speaks.
Something to think about from the Kingdom Perspective.