Men's Conference 2014
Boasting in Our Weakness: The Surprising Power of God’s Grace
Christ Redeemer Church hosted our annual Men’s Conference on Friday, January 10th and Saturday January 11th and over 190 men from a number of New England churches attended. Rev. Don Willeman and Rev. Wes Pastor addressed the theme of “Boasting in Our Weakness:The Surprising Power of God’s Grace” over the course of three talks and a question and answer session. You can find links for the recordings of these talks at the bottom of the page.
The following reflections come from men from Christ Redeemer Church:
The following reflections come from men from Christ Redeemer Church:
“All I can really say is, “Praise God!” Praise Him for the fellowship that only comes through faith in Jesus. The men’s conference allowed me to become more familiar with some of the guys from CRC. It is incredible to be among believing men, sharing the same day to day problems. Problems that, we may have considered unique, and if left to ourselves may become overbearing. I am always amazed at the friendships created through knowing someone, in this case the friendships created through knowing Jesus Christ, the common denominator in many otherwise, unlikely connections.
I really appreciate the passion and conviction put forth by both Don and Wes, both men, obviously strong in their faith. They have a certain ease about the way they present their information that is easy to sit, listen and absorb. I gained new insight into Jesus, the man, and the dedication He had to prayer!
To go to these events is to grow in Christ. There are experiences that will help your spiritual growth that may be had at these gatherings that you may not get anywhere else. I would encourage all to attend the next conference, and expand your faith.”
~Jim Mauchly
“It was a relief to be told that I am not unique in my weakness. Honestly, for a room full of nearly two hundred men to be nodding in unison over that fact that we all carry around a weighty burden of concealed weaknesses was nothing short of a miracle.
I was especially struck and moved by the teaching concerning the weakness of Christ: that though He was perfect in His obedience to the Father as only God can be, he was also a man made of the same stuff as us who was desperate for the Father’s deliverance. It’s liberating to think that I can find a comrade in Christ in my weakest and most downcast moments.”
~Doug Cooper
“At the Men’s Conference I experienced the power of fellowship as 190 men worshipped, studied, and prayed together. As we sang “Holy, Holy, Holy”, I was given a vision of what heaven will be like and I felt the hairs on my arms and legs standing. The messages of how our own weaknesses and the thorns we encounter in our lives is how God brings us closer to Him and forces us to rely on His strength was very real and practical. The sharing of personal experiences from Don, Wes and in our small group was honest, transparent and uplifting. I look forward to attending next years conference and would recommend signing up early!”
~Jim Murray
“This was my fourth men’s conference that I have attended and it was an amazing time. One thing I enjoy each year is to see who has attended from each church. One thing that I have noticed from my first conference to this one is that the number of men attending from some of the smaller church groups has grown tremendously over the past four years which was very encouraging to see. As always, the messages from both Don and Wes were very powerful and left me feeling challenged and looking at my life and my relationship with Jesus Christ with new light and a more clear image of what direction I need to take in my live following Christ. ”
~Ben Rogers
“It’s not en vogue for the people of the world to confess their weakness. It’s even less en vogue for the people of the world to boast in that very weakness. Not so with the people of God–for we know that in Christ when we are weak, then we are strong. This was the common confession of every man at the men’s conference, from the mechanic, teacher, businessman, to the pastor. To see each man fall on his knees, only to rise in strength through his weakness, this is a divine work. We pray that the Lord will employ every man, who boasts in his weakness, to faithful service unto the kingdom.”
~Jeff Fan
I really appreciate the passion and conviction put forth by both Don and Wes, both men, obviously strong in their faith. They have a certain ease about the way they present their information that is easy to sit, listen and absorb. I gained new insight into Jesus, the man, and the dedication He had to prayer!
To go to these events is to grow in Christ. There are experiences that will help your spiritual growth that may be had at these gatherings that you may not get anywhere else. I would encourage all to attend the next conference, and expand your faith.”
~Jim Mauchly
“It was a relief to be told that I am not unique in my weakness. Honestly, for a room full of nearly two hundred men to be nodding in unison over that fact that we all carry around a weighty burden of concealed weaknesses was nothing short of a miracle.
I was especially struck and moved by the teaching concerning the weakness of Christ: that though He was perfect in His obedience to the Father as only God can be, he was also a man made of the same stuff as us who was desperate for the Father’s deliverance. It’s liberating to think that I can find a comrade in Christ in my weakest and most downcast moments.”
~Doug Cooper
“At the Men’s Conference I experienced the power of fellowship as 190 men worshipped, studied, and prayed together. As we sang “Holy, Holy, Holy”, I was given a vision of what heaven will be like and I felt the hairs on my arms and legs standing. The messages of how our own weaknesses and the thorns we encounter in our lives is how God brings us closer to Him and forces us to rely on His strength was very real and practical. The sharing of personal experiences from Don, Wes and in our small group was honest, transparent and uplifting. I look forward to attending next years conference and would recommend signing up early!”
~Jim Murray
“This was my fourth men’s conference that I have attended and it was an amazing time. One thing I enjoy each year is to see who has attended from each church. One thing that I have noticed from my first conference to this one is that the number of men attending from some of the smaller church groups has grown tremendously over the past four years which was very encouraging to see. As always, the messages from both Don and Wes were very powerful and left me feeling challenged and looking at my life and my relationship with Jesus Christ with new light and a more clear image of what direction I need to take in my live following Christ. ”
~Ben Rogers
“It’s not en vogue for the people of the world to confess their weakness. It’s even less en vogue for the people of the world to boast in that very weakness. Not so with the people of God–for we know that in Christ when we are weak, then we are strong. This was the common confession of every man at the men’s conference, from the mechanic, teacher, businessman, to the pastor. To see each man fall on his knees, only to rise in strength through his weakness, this is a divine work. We pray that the Lord will employ every man, who boasts in his weakness, to faithful service unto the kingdom.”
~Jeff Fan
2014 Conference Audio
Boasting in Our Weakness: The Surprising Power of God’s Grace
- Part 1: Reality of Man’s Weakness – Rev. Don Willeman
- Part 2: God’s Purpose for Our Weakness – Rev. Don Willeman
- Part 3: What Do We Do With Our Weakness?– Rev. Wes Pastor
