Fall Youth Conference 2024
On November 22nd and 23rd, we had over 70 kids and leaders at Christ Community Church (CCC) in Plainfield, NH for our annual Fall Youth Conference. The overnighter is always a great time of learning, worship, and fun! We are incredibly grateful that CCC has let us host the conference in their space for the 4th year in a row.
We had multiple wonderful times of worship led by our group of volunteers and youth with a set list of worshipful songs and even Christmas songs! The worship was followed up by talks on this year's theme of “No Greater Love: A Relationship with God”. The talks addressed how we are relationally driven people yet fail quite often in how we go about relationships with ourselves, others, and God. On the first night, we had the privilege of hearing Erin Audino share her testimony as well as Chris Audino speak on both “Relationships with Self” from Luke 18:9-14 and “Relationship with Others” from Philippians 2:1-11. And because we didn’t have enough yet we had the first of our two breakout sessions which addressed: Friendships, Conflict in Relationships, and Dating led by Mike O’Leary, Lara Mather, and Brianna Nesselrodt respectively.
Of course, we had a ruckus of a time playing musical chairs, which the high school boys won this year, alongside many games, conversations, headlight basketball/ultimate frisbee, and much more!
On Saturday, we woke up after some sleep and jumped into our breakfast and soon after breakout sessions for the second time. We finished up the talks with a time of worship followed by Walker Tuttle’s talk, “Relationship with God” from 1 John 4:7-12. We then wrapped up the morning with a Q&A session where the youth submitted questions that arose from any of the talks and breakout sessions. There were many thoughtful and deep questions arose about relationships which our panel of volunteers and staff so graciously and honestly answered. After lunch and cleaning up the building, we played a new version of Capture the Flag called Outpost, which everyone seemed to love! We can’t wait to do it all again next year!
To hear a student's reflection on the Fall Youth Conference shared with the congregation, click below.
We had multiple wonderful times of worship led by our group of volunteers and youth with a set list of worshipful songs and even Christmas songs! The worship was followed up by talks on this year's theme of “No Greater Love: A Relationship with God”. The talks addressed how we are relationally driven people yet fail quite often in how we go about relationships with ourselves, others, and God. On the first night, we had the privilege of hearing Erin Audino share her testimony as well as Chris Audino speak on both “Relationships with Self” from Luke 18:9-14 and “Relationship with Others” from Philippians 2:1-11. And because we didn’t have enough yet we had the first of our two breakout sessions which addressed: Friendships, Conflict in Relationships, and Dating led by Mike O’Leary, Lara Mather, and Brianna Nesselrodt respectively.
Of course, we had a ruckus of a time playing musical chairs, which the high school boys won this year, alongside many games, conversations, headlight basketball/ultimate frisbee, and much more!
On Saturday, we woke up after some sleep and jumped into our breakfast and soon after breakout sessions for the second time. We finished up the talks with a time of worship followed by Walker Tuttle’s talk, “Relationship with God” from 1 John 4:7-12. We then wrapped up the morning with a Q&A session where the youth submitted questions that arose from any of the talks and breakout sessions. There were many thoughtful and deep questions arose about relationships which our panel of volunteers and staff so graciously and honestly answered. After lunch and cleaning up the building, we played a new version of Capture the Flag called Outpost, which everyone seemed to love! We can’t wait to do it all again next year!
To hear a student's reflection on the Fall Youth Conference shared with the congregation, click below.
Youth Conference Photos
