Summer Celebration Camp 2019

Summer Celebration Camp was held Tuesday, July 16th through Friday, July 19th. This year’s theme was Summer Seaquest. Throughout the week, children learned about the story of Jonah and considered the following questions:

  • Am I Jehovah’s or Am I Jeering? (Jonah 1:1-16)
  • Am I Headed to My Tarshish or My Nineveh? (Jonah 1:17-2:10)
  • Have I Been Turned Around by God? (Jonah 3)
  • Do I Have a “Jehovah” or a “Jonah” Attitude? (Jonah 4)
  • Lord, Send Me a Fish and a Resurrection! (Matthew 12:38-41, Luke 11:29-32)

Over 95 kids participated in the week’s fun. Along with lesson times, children enjoyed singing, craft, snack, and recreation time throughout the day. Special thanks to all the volunteers who made this year’s camp a success!




